Replacing Batteries on Honeywell TH8732WFH5002 Thermostat
My Honeywell TH8732WFH5002 thermostat's screen is suddenly blank. Does it have internal batteries that might need to be replaced?
How to Calibrate American Standard ACONT850AC52UA Thermostat
My American Standard's ACONT850AC52UA touchscreen is not working on the menu screen. How can I activate the buttons or is there a lock out functionality?
Mitsubishi Electric MHK2 Thermostat Stuck on WAIT
My MHK2 thermostat is stuck on wait and after I performed everything to reset it numerous times, nothing happened. What can I do?
Venstar T1100RF Thermostat Control Issues
I have an old Venstar T1100RF controlling my HVAC system. It is working poorly and the keys only intermittently perform their functions. Two dashes appear on the screen when any button is pushed. I got a new Totaline P474-1100REC unit and replaced it,
Choosing Between Honeywell TH6220WF2006 and TH6320WF2003 Wi-Fi Thermostats
My current control panel is a Honeywell HZ432, paired with two TH5320R1002 thermostats and a THM4000R wireless adapter. I'm looking to upgrade to Wi-Fi control and need to understand the differences between two Honeywell Wi-Fi thermostats: the TH6220WF2006
Using MHK2 Thermostat and PAC-USWHS002-WF-2 Kumo Cloud Adapter Simultaneously
I have a MSZ-GL12NA indoor unit with the Mitsubishi Electric MHK2 Wireless Remote Control kit installed. I want to add Wi-Fi control through the Kumo cloud app but also keep the wireless wall thermostat. Can this be done? If so, what part do I need to
Troubleshooting Trane XL850 Thermostat Unresponsive Screen
I cannot adjust the temperature on my Trane XL850 thermostat. The touch screen is not responding. Does that mean I need a to get a new thermostat?
How to Set Automatic Cooling Mode for Trane XL824
My Trane XL824 Wi-Fi thermostat has a 1 degree varience which is understandable. However, I want to know how to have the thermostat to switch automatically to cooling once 28 degrees Celsius is reached. Help!
Overriding Honeywell TH4110U2005 Thermostat Program Schedule
I have program schedules on my TH4110U2005 thermostat which were set up by the installer. How do I temporarily or permanently override the schedule?
Mitsubishi Electric MRCH1 Thermostat Replacement
I have Mitsubishi PEAD-A24AA4 indoor unit, PUZ-A24NHA4 outdoor unit and MIFH1 receiver. What thermostat and other equipment do I need to buy to make the system work with my receiver?
Correct Rotary Switch Settings for the Samsung MIM-A60UN Thermostat Adaptor
I own the Samsung AC024KNZDCH indoor unit and i recently installed the Samsung MIM-A60UN Thermostat Adaptor to wark with my 3rd party thermostat. Kindly recommend the default or appropriate rotary switch settings for the adapter.
How to Unlock Sensi 1F87U-42WF
How can I manually unlock my Sensi 1F87U-42WF smart thermostat using the keypad when it is in the LOCK mode on the APP? There is no internet connection at the moment.
Difference between the Rheem RETST800SYS & Ruud UETST800SYS Thermostats
I was planning to replace my old thermostat with the Rheem RETST800SYS Econet Thermostat but I came across the Ruud UETST800SYS Econet Thermostat and both thermostats look similar. Kindly, what is the difference between the two thermostats?
Emerson ST55 Cycle Rate
My thermostat is the Emerson ST55. Does it have a span setting? Is that the same as what is called Heat Differential?
Mitsubishi Electric PAC-US445CN-1 Power Requirements
Wireless remotes are difficult to use since they constantly require batteries that is why I want to use a third-party thermostat. Does the PAC-US445CN-1 need batteries?
Honeywell T10 Pro Programmability Options (THX321WF2003W)
What are the available schedule options for my T10 Pro Honeywell?
Changing Trane XL1050 Registration from Existing Trane Home Account
I am having a challenge adding my XL1050 thermostat to my Trane Home Network since it is registered to another account. What do I need to register my thermostat?
Mitsubishi Electric MHK1 Connection Issues
I have a Mitsubishi Electric MHK1 thermostat. It says, "No signal wait". I have changed batteries but this does not help. What can I do?
Fujitsu UTY-RNNUM Temperature Sensing Range
My Fujitsu indoor unit is ASU24RLF. It's temperature is only controllable down to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The fan runs at medium speed which is strong and noisy. Not sure if there is a unit that can provide thermostatic and fan control below the 60 d
Venstar T1100RF Thermostat Powering Options
I am not sure whether I can use Alkaline batteries on my T1100RF thermostat. Are there other powering options and how can I increase battery life?
Honeywell Inncom E7 Smart Thermostat Dimming
Is it possible to have the readout on my thermostat dimmed out or can it dim out automatically?
Mr. Cool MTSK02 Wi-Fi Mini Thermostat Powering
I'm looking to buy the Mr. Cool MTSK02 thermostat but I am getting trouble locating a hard-wiring kit or 5V adapter to power the thermostat. Are these the power options that I need and if so how can I get them?
Trane XL824 Wi-Fi Connection Issues
My Trane XL824 thermostat is not connecting to Wi-Fi. It was initially connected but after a brownout there was no connection. What do I do?
Fixing Heat Issues using Sensi 1F87U-42WF Smart Thermostat
I have a Sensi Smart thermostat model 1F87U-42WF which is not turning on the heat on my system. What can I do to ensure that the heat is on?
Honeywell T6 Thermostat Battery Replacement
My Honeywell T6 thermostat has a low battery icon on the screen. Which batteries do you recommend I use as replacement and for how longer can the existing batteries last me?
Mitsubishi Electric MHK2 Smart Set Button
My indoor unit model number is MSZ-GL24NA, Service Reference MSZ-GL24NA-U1. I currently have a KM15H remote controller without the Smart Set button, though it has a Wide Vane and Powerful buttons. Would E12T16426 be a direct replacement and how would
Lowering Minimum Heat Setting on MHK2
I have the Mitsubishi Electric MHK2 thermostat and I need help in reducing the minimum heat setting. Any ideas?
How to Set Heat on Honeywell TH4110D1007
How do I program my Honeywell TH4110D1007 thermostat to turn the heat on?
Totaline P474-1100RF Thermostat Replacement
I have the Totaline P474-1100RF thermostat and I want to replace it as it is not working properly. What is the best replacement for the thermostat since it is listed as discontinued?
Setting Cool mode of the Gree MC207059 thermostat.
I just moved into a new house and I am having trouble selecting the cooling mode of the thermostat. It is a Gree MC207059 wired thermostat, how do I select the cooling mode?
Fixing Sensory Fail in Trane XR724
I have the Trane XR724 whose sensory light is on. The thermstat says sensory fail. What can I do to resolve this?
Venstar T0130 Heat Mode Operation
I have a Venstar T0130 thermostat. I turned it ON and had heat set to 73 degrees, fans on auto. Right now, it’s blinking 69 degrees. Is this the expected behavior for the heating function?
Venstar T1700 as Replacement for P374-1000
I see Venstar T1700 is almost similar to the P374-1000. What is their difference and can I have the T1700 as a replacement?
Fixing Room Temperature Higher than Setpoint on Pro1 T621-2 Thermostat
I keep setting the heat on my Pro1 T621-2 thermostat to 70 but it gets hot upstairs. When I look it has heated to 77. What can I do? May calibration be an issue. Can that help?
MHK1 MAC ID and MAC CRC for Total Connect App Setup
I have installed my MHK1 thermostat and everything is linked up from the mini split to the RedLink but I am unable to load it into my Total Connect App. The app keeps asking for the MAC ID and MAC CRC. Where can I find this information?
Fixing American Standard's ACONT302AS42DA Frozen Screen
My American Standard ACONT302AS42DA thermostat is frozen. I cleaned off the battery compartment and changed the batteries but still no luck. It doesn’t light up once I push it into the wall mounting, but when I have it away from the wall it works fi
Commercial Venstar Thermostats with Ethernet Option
I want to set up 20 commercial thermostats all with ethernet and I do not want to use a paid monitoring service. Which of your Venstar thermostats would you recommend?
How to Disable Temporary Override on Trane XL824
After our service, I realized there is a Temporary Override message on the screen. How do I get rid of this? Any ideas?
Braeburn 5400 Does Not Achieve Setpoint Temperature
I am having a hard time getting my Braeburn 5400 model to come on. When I raise the temperature it goes up but it can't get to my set point. I'm freezing!
How to Start and Reset Pro1 T905 Thermostat
Hi all! Does the Pro1 T905 need batteries? Also, how can I start and reset it?
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