LoRa is a wireless modulation technique derived from Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) technology (which employs use of chirps pulses).
Check below AM, FM, and Chirp analog and digital modulation
In digital transmission, the results of the modulation are 1s and 0s:
• AM (on and off)
• FM (1st frequency 1s, 2nd frequency for 0s)
• LoRa (this is like FSK but switches the 1s and 0 s up and down)
Chirp coding is determined by sweep rate and bandwidth
• BW is restricted (500khz,250Khz, 125khz)
• Sweep rate can be slow or fast. The faster the rate the higher the data but this increases the difficulty in decoding.
LoRaWAN is a Media Access Control (MAC) layer protocol built on top of LoRa modulation. It is a software layer which defines how devices use the LoRa hardware (physical layer) in transmission and message formatting.
Check out these LoRaWAN
devices which uses the 900 MHz (ISM) spectrum.
Contact Rfwel wireless specialists for queries to know how to implement LoRaWAN in your IIoT or IoT.